montage of disabled children with girl painting highlighted
montage of disabled children
montage of disabled children with middle image highlighted
montage of disabled children with boy in wheelchair highlighted

Students with Disabilities

Meeting the unique needs of students with disabilities (SWD) in a remote environment can present new challenges.

These resources aim to support educators in ensuring that all students can continue to access learning while in hybrid and remote environments. 

Virtual Work-Based Learning Opportunities (Module 5)

This resource discusses alternative ways in which students can explore careers and work-based learning experiences (WBLE) during business and school closures to learn the essential skills required to be successful in a work environment.

High Leverage Practices for Students with Disabilities (Module 3)

This session will familiarize participants with the High Leverage Practices for students with disabilities that help overcome their barriers to remote learning. Participants will have the opportunity to assess their current practice and create a plan to address areas of need. 

Accessible Technologies

Every device comes with settings and features that help users access what is on their screen. Familiarize yourself with the available features on your students’ devices to help them access instruction, content, and the tools necessary to demonstrate their learning.

Students With Disabilities Trainings

No trainings scheduled for the next 30 days.