Creating Effective Supports & Scaffolds for ELLs (Session 6)

In this session, participants will review the essential elements for creating mini webinettes in content areas for English language learners, in English.

Participants will deepen their understanding of scaffolds and supports shared in previous sessions, and explore effective means of implementation.

Facilitator’s Guide: Creating Effective Supports & Scaffolds for ELLs

Modes of Learning

This session includes active participation, with opportunities for participants to work in small groups and share their learning with a larger group. Previously shared tools and concepts are referenced.


Trainer presentation

Module 6: Creating Effective Supports (PPT) | Module 6: Creating Effective Supports (Google Slides)

Additional materials


Learning objectives

  • Review the essential elements for creating mini-webinettes in content areas for ELLs.
  • Deepen understanding of scaffolds and supports shared in previous sessions, and explore effective means of implementation.


For more information, or if you are unable to access any of the resources provided: