Developing a Home-Based Learning Environment (A Family Gathering)

Google Docs version (to print or share): Developing a Home-Based Learning Environment

Objective: To investigate a few different websites related to tips for home-based learning strategies to share with parents/caregivers. 

The estimated activity time is 25 – 30 minutes.

Brainstorm and Design

Using the chart linked below, write down tips and strategies that resonate with you from each of these resources: 

Chart: Developing a home-based learning environment

Stop and Think

(Key: T – Teachers; SL – School Leaders; DL – District Leaders)

Consider your student and family population as you reflect on the questions below:

  • Which of the strategies and/or tips that you wrote down above will you compile to fit the needs of your student and family population? (T, SL)
  • How will you share the strategies and/or tips with them? (T, SL)
  • How will you partner with parents/caregivers to support implementation? (T, SL, DL)
  • What are some universal strategies and/or tips that will work for the entire school or district? (SL, DL)
  • How can you engage parents/caregivers in a conversation about home-based learning strategies and/or tips from the beginning? (T, SL, DL)