Sharing Student Work

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Objective: To design opportunities for students to showcase and share their quality work. 

The estimated time for this activity is 15–20 minutes.

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In the NYSED’s Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education Framework, the second principle is high expectations and rigorous instruction. The bullet below is part of the student expectations for this principle:

  • Strive and take pride in producing high quality work, continuously improve, and set new goals.

In her article, “8 Reasons Why Students Should Share Their Work,” Janice Walton shares stories of how students had increased engagement through the sharing of their products, ideas, and projects. There is power in students having an authentic audience and for them to not only share but also visualize a high-quality work product.  

After reading the article, consider the following tips on displaying quality work:

  • Keep the display of work current, switching out products to flow with the unit of instruction.
  • Allow students to have a say in what they want to display that represents their best work.
  • Include the drafts and the final products, in some cases, to show the importance of the learning process.
  • Ensure that you have equitable representation and the same students are not always on display.
  • Create a space that is readily accessible to all students, the school community, and possibly the outside community (this provides a greater audience). 

Take Action

Below are two sample templates that you can use, or adapt, for your remote and hybrid learning environment. Use one of the templates or create your quality work board in a platform of your choice.