Principle 4: Ongoing Professional Learning

Principle 4 for the NYSED Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education Framework states:

Ongoing professional learning is rooted in the idea that teaching and learning is an adaptive process needing constant reexamination (Moll, et al., 1992; Gay, 2010). It allows learners to develop and sharpen a critically conscious lens toward instruction, curriculum, assessment, history, culture, and institutions. Learners must be self-directed and take on opportunities that directly impact learning outcomes.”

For this activity, you will review a few of the activities from the fifth module. You will want to have out your Efficacy Notebook that you began in Module 5 in order to reflect, connect, and continue to brainstorm how you will instruct your students with intention in order to have a lasting, positive impact.

Skip to: Continuously Educating Ourselves | Intentionally Growing Our PLN

Holding Ourselves Accountable

Maya Angelou said, “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” This was a personal insight that she made about her circumstances, and it still rings true today. The key word in this fourth principle is ongoing. The more we learn, explore, ask questions, and reflect, the more confident we are to implement necessary and lasting change. 

Review The Problem with That Equity vs. Equality Graphic You’re Using and then complete the below in your Efficacy Notebook.

  • Search online for various equity vs. equality graphics and generate a Venn diagram for similarities and differences. Then, respond to the following questions:
    • What resonated with you as you viewed the various graphics?
    • What insights did you gain based on the learning you have engaged in across all of the modules that change or affirm your view of equity?
  • Brainstorm ways to reflect and discuss the concepts of equity, equality, diversity, inclusion, and social justice.
    • Explore possible discussion protocols that you can use.
    • Review upcoming content where the concept can be integrated in faculty or PLC discussions.
  • Reflect on the following:
    • Based on your learning and exploration, how do you differentiate between equity and equality as it relates to education?
    • Why is it important to differentiate between the two terms, and what impact does this knowledge have on our instructional practices?
    • How do we ensure that we are leading with equity in mind each day for each group of students with whom we interact?

Continuously Educating Ourselves

Being a learning educator means that we each need to put in the work to stay current on educational trends, research, and more. Many vision and mission statements include the term lifelong learning. As educators, we need to have that same mindset. What new learning did you attain today?

Review Learning About Diverse Communities in Which We Teach or That Are Near to Us and then complete the below in your Efficacy Notebook.

  • Summarize the Tedx by Dr. Melissa Crum.
    • What resonated with you?
    • What key words or phrases stood out to you?
    • What insights will you take away to apply to your classroom in the current or upcoming school year?
    • How will you create the space for you and your students to share differing perspectives and experiences?
  • Explore some current events, neighborhood activities, or cultural celebrations. Design a discussion-based activity for your PLC or content team to complete this graphic on multiple perspectives. Engage in discussion around how our cultural experiences frame who we are and how we engage in the instructional environment.
  • Reflect on the following:
    • How will you intentionally educate yourself about cultural diversity, equity, and being culturally responsive?
    • What do you and your students gain when we open our view of the world to hear and consider multiple perspectives and experiences?
    • What more do you need to know and explore to expand your understanding on multiple cultural perspectives?

Intentionally Growing Our PLN

In this digital age of social media, it is easy to access and grow your professional learning network. Not only that, but it can expand across the globe! How are you leveraging social media to grow your network? How does expanding your PLN support you in continuously educating yourself?

Review What’s a PLN and Why Is It Important? and then complete the below in your Efficacy Notebook.

  • Summarize the video about professional learning networks from Holly.
    • What resonated with you as you watched the video?
    • What key words, phrases, or visuals from the video stood out to you?
    • What insights will you take away from the video to apply to your continued learning?
  • Take time to explore podcasts, articles, and social media accounts related to cultural responsiveness, equity, and/or diversity. Then, reflect on the following in your Efficacy Notebook:
    • What are some interesting trends or themes that you came across?
    • What specific area within equity do you want to explore further and why?
    • Who are some of the educational leaders in the field, and how might you get connected to their message?
  • Reflect on the following:
    • Part of Principle 4 states, “Learners must be self-directed and take on opportunities that directly impact learning outcomes.” What will this look like for you as you move forward? How might you be transparent about this process with peers?
    • Define your next steps and what you want/need to review from these modules.
    • How has your knowledge and level of understanding increased since you began with Module 1? What more do you need to know, and how will you go about that deeper exploration?