Grade 3: Fluency, Comprehension, and Vocabulary

Unless otherwise noted, assessments are appropriate for all students at this grade level. 

Skip to:  Informal Reading InventoryVocabulary Assessment

DIBELS ORF Assessment 

Informal Reading Inventory (Third Grade)

  • Passages for the assessment: DIBELS 8th Edition PM Grade 3 ORF Student
    • Passage one is located on P. 5.
    • Passage two is located on P. 9.
    • Passage three is located on P. 21.
  • Print the passage you plan to use.
  • The teacher recording forms for each passage are linked below.
  • Allow the student to read the passage aloud. Record any errors as the student reads.
  • Once the student has completed the passage, ask each of the questions in the Informal Reading Inventory Third Grade document.
  • Complete the assessment by asking the child to retell as much as they remember about the story. As the student retells the story, check off the ideas and details listed in the assessment document. 
  • Virtual copies of each passage: IRI Third Grade
  • Use the results of this assessment to determine student comprehension instruction needs.

Vocabulary Assessment (Third Grade)

This assessment can be used diagnostically to evaluate students as needed at the beginning of the year (BOY), middle of the year (MOY), and at the end of the year (EOY). 

  • If you do not have access to standardized assessments for vocabulary consider focusing on the texts you use for reading aloud throughout the year.
    • Before introducing the text or chapter to students, read it to identify two to three tier 2 words per chapter or three to five tier 2 words per short text to choose for oral vocabulary assessment.
    • Choose words that (a) can be connected and explained by words students already know, (b) are important to the central understanding of the story, (c) will likely be seen or heard in other grade level texts (Beck, McKeown, & Kucan, 2002).
  • Copy or download the Vocabulary Assessment Third Grade document.
    • Sample assessments are based on some common third grade texts for reading aloud. 
    • You may insert your own words in column one. 
  • The assessor may read each word aloud and students may respond aloud. The assessor may code student answers as unknown, having a basic understanding, or having an in-depth understanding.
  • Assessments may be administered before and after student engagement with the target words.