Parent Survey – Special Education

View a sample survey template: Parent Survey – Special Education (Google Doc)

If using an electronic survey platform (SurveyMonkey, Google Forms, 0ffice 365 Forms), consider the following: 

  • Select likert scale option in the platform reflecting the suggested options.
  • Copy and paste desired questions from document into the form.
  • Review permissions and sharing options in the platform prior to sending to parents.

If using paper copies of the survey template provided: 

  • Edit template document as appropriate (click “Save a Copy” in Google Drive to save a copy, or download in the file format of your choice).
  • Yellow highlighted text indicates areas to customize for your use.

For either electronic or paper option: 

  • Add or remove questions as appropriate
  • Ensure confidentiality in distribution/collection of survey
  • Make it parent friendly in language
  • Provide space for written comment if desired

Sample Parent Survey

Suggested Title: Parent Questionnaire for Special Education Programming

Optional question: What is your name? 


Your answers to the following questions will help [ENTER SCHOOL DISTRICT’S NAME HERE] to improve how the school and district help parents of students with disabilities be involved in their children’s special education programs. Your responses are important and can remain anonymous if preferred. 

[Direct respondents to select a response for each statement, using a scale of 1 – Very Strongly Disagree, to 6 – Very Strongly Disagree.]

Schools’ Efforts to Partner with Parents

  1. At the IEP meeting, we discussed accommodations and modifications that my child would need. 
  2. I have been asked for (or given a chance to share) my opinion about how well special education services are meeting my child’s needs.
  3. Written information I receive is written in an understandable way.

Teachers and Administrators

  1. Show sensitivity to the needs of my child.
  2. Respect my cultural heritage. 
  3. Help me to understand the Procedural Safeguards. 
  4. Show a willingness to learn more about my child’s needs.
  5. Seek out my input via phone, email, postal mailing, video-conferencing and/or in-person meeting. 

The CSE Department

  1. Provides me with reports on my child’s progress on IEP goals.
  2. Gives me choices with regard to services that address my child’s needs. 
  3. Explains what options I have if I disagree with a decision of the school. 
  4. Encourages me to attend and participate in IEP meetings. 

Parent Participation

  1. I suggest changes in school programs or services that I think would benefit my child and other students with disabilities.