Member Attendance Excusal

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Member’s Attendance Not Necessary

Member’s area is NOT being discussed or modified.

Parent and district can reach mutual written agreement that the attendance of a member in whole or part is not necessary. Reason must be that the member’s area of the curriculum or related service is not being modified or discussed.

District must send written request to parent at least 5 calendar days prior to the meeting date.

Districts should have a policy that identifies who is able to enter into such an agreement on the district’s behalf.

Member Excusal

Member’s area IS being discussed or modified.

Parent and district can reach consent in writing to excuse a member in whole or part.

District must send written request to parent at least 5 calendar days prior to the meeting date.

Written input into the development of the IEP from the member who would be excused must be provided to the parent at least 5 calendar days prior to the meeting.

District should have a policy that identifies who is able to enter into such an agreement on the district’s behalf.

Additional Provisions

Parent retains the right to request or agree with the district to excuse a member due to an emergency, such as illness, on the day of the meeting or due to an unavoidable scheduling conflict.

This agreement should be documented in writing.

If the member’s area is being discussed, the written input from the member who would be excused must be submitted to the parent for review and consideration a reasonable time before the meeting and before parental consent is obtained.