High Leverage Practices Self Assessment

View this self-assessment tool as a Google Doc (download or save your own copy): High Leverage Practices Self Assessment 

About this tool

This tool was designed for self-reflection. It should not be used to evaluate performance. Administrators and Teachers can use it to assess their personal strengths in utilizing various high leverage practices. The tool also offers prompts that encourage thinking about strategies to promote growth as you reflect on your practice.

This self-assessment is to be used in conjunction with the Removing Barriers to Effective Distance Learning Brief from the CEEDER Center. 

How to use this tool

  1. Read each statement and think of your classroom and your work with students, then rate yourself on the statement by marking the appropriate box (rarely, sometimes, often).
  2. Write down one or more pieces of evidence of how you utilize this practice in your classroom.
  3. When you finish, search for patterns of strengths and challenges to guide your personal growth process. This information is for you, so answer accurately without judging responses as “good” or “not as good.”
  4. After completing the reflection, take action in light of what you learned. Reflect upon the results to draw conclusions about your progress.
  • If you consider that statements marked as “often” could be indicators of personal strengths:
    • How do these strengths affect your interactions with students and families?
    • Which of your strengths do you believe have the greatest impact on student growth?
    • Which are you most proud of?
  • If you consider that statements marked as “rarely” could be considered as current challenges:
    • How might enhancing this area benefit your interactions with students and/or families?

Select one or two areas you would like to focus on for growth that you can add to your final activity.

When looking at your responses, were there things that surprised you? Were there things that confirmed what you already knew about yourself.

For more information about High Leverage Practice for Students with Disabilities visit: https://highleveragepractices.org/

Self assessment questions 

Addressing Barrier 1 – Struggling to Keep Students Focused and Engaged 

  • I provide step by step instructions and modeling for utilizing technology. 
  • I utilize and give clear directions for structures that allow students to collaborate via technology (break out rooms, shared documents, discussion boards, etc.).
  • I video record step by step instructions for students to access as needed
  • I explicitly teach strategies and/or tools to help students stay focused while utilizing technology (time management, productivity, managing attention)
  • I build in multiple checks for understanding.
  • I meet individually with students and invite them to think aloud about their thinking process in completing a task in order to provide them with feedback and guidance.
  • I have students use graphic organizers and other tools to display their thinking.
  • I teach students strategies and tools that prompt students to use active reading strategies (highlighting text, scanning for main ideas, etc.).
  • I provide accommodations for students so they can utilize technology and access content similarly to peers.

Addressing Barrier 2 – Ensuring students feel connected and that their social and emotional needs are addressed

  • I create spaces and times for students to have social conversations
  • I have predictable routines which I have explicitly taught students, including start/stop times, due dates, etc.
  • I help students develop home schedules for synchronous and asynchronous learning.
  • I explicitly teach, model, and reinforce expectations for the virtual classroom environment.
  • I periodically reassess the learning environment and change/re-teach expectations.
  •  have regular individual check-ins with students to reinforce social skill instruction.
  • I have regular individual check-ins with students that serve as wellness checks.
  • I regularly teach, model, and practice social emotional skills in my classroom.
  • I have students meet regularly with a peer or small group to practice social skills and cultivate positive community.
  • I provide opportunities for students to reflect on their emotional health.
  • I teach students strategies to support their emotional health and prompt them to use when necessary.
  • I periodically assess students’ social and emotional skills.

Addressing Barrier 3 – Helping students manage their workload and avoid being overwhelmed

  • I provide multiple modalities for students to show their learning.
  • I provide criteria and/or rubrics to explain assignment expectations.
  • I provide videos or other modes for students to access prerequisite content.
  • I teach and model ways to break down complex tasks.
  • I have students submit work in various modalities so I ensure their understanding and engagement.
  • I provide multiple engagement structures in each lesson (students are interacting with content and sometimes with peers).
  • I have students schedule breaks for themselves if working remotely or provide for students in my classroom.
  • I teach students to provide feedback to peers.
  • I utilize online tools or breakout rooms for students to provide peer feedback.
  • I pre assess students before starting a new unit to better understand skills and needs.
  • I modify lessons to meet student needs.
  • I provide scaffolded supports.
  • I break down large assignments into manageable steps for students.
  • I teach and model tools to help students access text and other content online.

Addressing Barrier 4 – Supporting students’ learning so they can process and retain new content

  • I utilize technology to provide feedback to students.
  • I provide multiple opportunities and structures that allow students to practice skills across settings/groups/platforms within my class.
  • I plan with other teachers/support staff to create opportunities for students to practice skills across different classroom settings.
  • I teach students to self-monitor their skills across different settings.
  • I help students reflect on skills they have mastered (checklist, log, etc).
  • I motivate students to master new skills through reinforcement.
  • I use computer based instruction to improve students’ skills and automaticity.
  • I give timely feedback to students.
  • I give consistent feedback to students.
  • I utilize technology to give timely & consistent feedback to students.
  • I routinely have students reflect on their learning and skill acquisition.
  • I have students utilize technology (audio/video recording, discussion boards, etc.) to reflect on their learning and skill acquisition.

Addressing Barrier 5- Addressing students’ wide range of skills and experiences using technology for learning

  • I assess students’ digital literacy skills to understand strengths and gaps.
  • I create a plan to ensure all students are comfortable utilizing technology for remote learning.
  • I teach, model, and have students practice using technology platforms and programs.
  • I only introduce 1 or 2 tech platforms/programs at a time.
  • I give clear expectations for actions that will help students reach the learning outcomes using their assistive technology device.
  • I have created/found short video tutorials to assist students in utilizing assistive technology, programs, and platforms.
  • I explicitly teach students how to ask for assistance with technology.
  • I assess what students who use assistive technology will need for each component of remote instruction.
  • I ensure the use of technology helps students access and demonstrate their understanding of the content.
  • I discuss assistive technology use with families so it will be integrated at home for remote learning.
  • I regularly monitor student progress in utilizing assistive technology.
  • I incorporate the use of assistive technology throughout the school day, so students can generalize its use across settings.
  • I assist families in obtaining support with technology if needed.

Addressing Barrier 6 – Facilitating Family Engagement

  • I regularly check in with families to discuss their student’s remote learning and how they’re doing.
  • I know about student and family barriers to remote learning and try to address them.
  • I help families prepare for virtual CSE meetings.
  • I give families data about student progress.
  • I include students and their families in goal setting.
  • I help families establish routines at home that support student learning.
  • I provide families with clear directions and expectations for remote learning lessons.
  • I have established means and times for communication with families.
  • I keep a communication log for family contacts.
  • I offer flexible options for families to meet their needs.
  • I solicit feedback from families.
  • I encourage and set up ways for families to connect with other families.
  • I honor cultural diversity in families that I work with.
  • I provide information in each family’s home language.