Linked In


  • To get to know participant names and find connections between team members.


  1. First person says their name and three things about themselves (ex. I like pineapple on my pizza, I have two dogs, and I like running).
  2. If anyone can “link” to this person because they like one of the three things that were shared, they can raise their hand and link arms with the first person.
  3. This person should say their name and what they had in common with the first person (example: “My name is Sean, and I also like pineapple on my pizza”). 
  4. They then would share their three things.
  5. Continue this process until everyone has “linked” together.


  1. Why is it important to know people’s names?
  2. How is it helpful to find things we have in common with others?
  3. What can you do to make connections with people?

Remote/Hybrid Variations

  1. On a virtual platform, ask all participants to be in gallery view.  After the person shares, they call on the next person who has raised their hand to “link.”
  2. If participants are unable to share video, they can use the reaction button to signal when they have a “link” to another person.