Instructional Tools (Tool #2: Application Availability Action Steps Checklist)

Google Doc version (to view or copy): Instructional Tools (Tool #2: Application Availability Action Steps Checklist)

Educator Overview/Helpful Information 

Document Overview 

Most application vendors have a status page that lets you know when there is a problem resulting in the application being down or latency issues. The document below was created to provide “to do’s” if a student is having difficulty accessing an application.

Helpful Tips

  • Feel free to modify/change the document to meet your needs and those of your students and families/caregivers.
  • Update the CLASSROOM APPLICATIONS STATUS PAGE LINKS information with the frequently used application names and the links to the status page.
  • If you add applications during the school year, this document can be updated by the students or families/caregivers as additional rows have been provided or could be added.
  • Share the document with students and families/caregivers at the start of the school year.
  • Educators: Share communication protocols with students and families/caregivers. Questions to consider: 
    • How will you message students and families/caregivers if applications are down or not accessible during scheduled class time (e.g., email, text, phone call, learning management system, student information system portal, etc.)?
    • How should students message you if they are not able to access applications during scheduled class time?
    • How should students message you if they are not able to access applications to complete classwork/homework outside of the scheduled class time?
  • If your school district has an application status page, consider adding the information to this document

An electronic or paper version of this document could be provided to students and families/caregivers. Engaging all stakeholders in the process to complete this document is encouraged. 

Once completed, students, families/caregivers, and educators should bookmark or print and post this document so it is easily accessible.

Application available action steps


There may be times when you are not able to access an application and you are not sure what to do. The list below provides action steps you can take. Space is provided to add classroom applications.

Step 1

  • Check to see if your teacher has messaged you the application is down/not available.

Step 2

  • Check the application website status page to see if the application is down. To locate the status page, search the internet for the application vendor name status page (e.g., Google Workspace for Education status page).
  • The table below provides a list of our frequently used classroom applications and the link to the status page. Feel free to add to this list throughout the school year.
Classroom applications status page links
  • Learning management system name: [insert link here]
  • Application name (Google Workspace for Education/Office 365): [insert link
  • here]
  • Web conferencing application name: [insert link here]
  • Application name: [insert link here]
  • Application name: [insert link here]

Step 3

If the application is not down, restart/reboot your device and try to access the application.

Step 4

  • Contact the school district IT support. It is helpful to provide a screenshot of the error you are receiving or have the error on your screen when you are talking with the support person.

Step 5

  • If you still are unable to access the application, notify your teacher.

Step 6

  • While you are waiting to access the application, work on tasks or assignments you can use a different application for or complete offline.